The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

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Australia A-League Injured Footballers

The following players are currently injured or unavailable for Australia A-League games in the next week of the 2024-2025 season.

The player's number of league appearances this season, and the total minutes played in these games, are also shown.

Australia A-League Injuries
Next game: 14-Feb - Melbourne Victory v Wellington
Melbourne Victory
J. InserraInternational duty2 mins in 1 appearances
A. RuferIllness810 mins in 9 appearances
S. ColakovskiKnee Injury137 mins in 6 appearances

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Thread TitlePostsLatest Post
Prediction Thread Doncaster Away21Balla12/02 22:59
Merseyside Derby 4HatTrickHero12/02 22:59
Short-term glory vs long-term growth48ska face12/02 20:23
League position to be proud of 7mike50212/02 18:23
Homage to Blundell Park 23louth_in_the_south12/02 17:41
League Two tonight18diehardmariner12/02 16:27
Match Day moments 18LocalLadGTFC12/02 15:57
Reserves vs Mansfield tomorrow7Dodorondon12/02 11:47
TV Games/Upcoming Fixtures3SiteBot12/02 03:30

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