The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

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Australia A-League Injured Footballers

The following players are currently injured or unavailable for Australia A-League games in the next week of the 2024-2025 season.

Australia A-League Injuries
Currently there are no known injuries in Australia A-League. Injuries appear a few days before a game. Please try again later.

Forum Latest
Thread TitlePostsLatest Post
TV Games/Upcoming Fixtures3SiteBot10/02 03:30
Just back 66LocalLadGTFC09/02 22:33
Mark Hughes post-match interview 28AussieMariner09/02 22:27
Kemar Roofe8jamesgtfc09/02 21:00
Match Day moments 7scott09/02 20:34
Ex-GTFC players thread4,584Poojah09/02 19:30
Greeny 16Brad09/02 17:09
Danny Rose15Roast Em Bobby09/02 12:44
"Beat the Clock"  Carlisle32promotion plaice09/02 11:07
Match Thread Carlisle Home119friskneymariner09/02 10:51

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